Cowboys Helping Cowboys

How We Help

2018 Winners

How the Hal Coker Memorial Fund
can Help You...

The fund is available to Cowboys and their families in the ranching industry who may be facing hard times, that may include but are not limited to the following reasons, a medical emergency, injury or chronic illness. The Hal Coker Memorial has helped families in need since 2016, please see the guidelines and application to apply for a benefit from the fund. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to a Board Member. 

Application for Assistance . . .


Reason for Request

Please be as detailed as possible in order for the Board of Directors to make their decisions in a timely manner.

Do you have health insurance, if so what is the deductible and out of pocket maxium.

Do you have income or payments from other sources, if so, please disclose.

Is this a one time request or do you see this to be a reoccurring need, if so, please specify reason and anticipated length of need.

The board will review your request and respond to you if more information is needed, in the event your request is approved, payments will be made directly to creditors not to the recipient. Please contact us through the "Contact Link" if you have questions or need help filling out the application.






Hal Coker Memorial Buckaroo Benefit Fund - 501(c)3 Non Profit
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